Where The Giant Sleeps
By: Mem Fox
Pictures by: Vladimir Radunsky
Copyright: 2007
Pages: 32
Reading Level: 4-8
"But here the elves are wide awake-
sewing with all their might,"
This is my second book by Mem Fox, and has such a different feel for it, because of the illustrations. This book is one you just have to pick up and look at yourself. The Illustrations are dreamy. I can't even describe them accurately. But I love this style. The books cover is of a little town that is in the shape of a Giant, Trees for hair, houses for eyes, and haystacks for buttons. This book is written like a little boys dreams, and at the end shows all the things in his room. Including his very own copy of the book. My very favorite pages are the last two. They say "But here the elves are wide awake- sewing with all their might," (and it shows a picture of little elves with giant needle and thread, trying to sew close the sky- over the moon) "to make a quilt of moon and stars to wrap you in...tonight." This page shows the boy fast asleep wrapped in his very own moon and stars blanket.
Recommended to: Bedtime story, the story is short and sweet. But it has beautiful illustrations that I could look at forever. Fun one to read to a child.
Problems: I couldn't find any, this book has Ogres and gremlins, which might scare little children, but they are illustrated so friendly I highly doubt it.
My Reaction: This is such a beautiful book. The Illustrations really just absorb you into the pages. This is a must have in my home.
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