Cinder Edna
By: Ellen Jackson
Illustrated by: Kevin O'Malley
Copyright: 1994
Pages: 32
Reading Level: 4-8
"Oh. Well can you name sixteen different kinds of tuna casserole?"
"Of course," she said, and she begun to name them. She rattled off fifteen different kinds , including tuna casserole with pickled pigs feet, and then she stopped. What was that last one anyways?
"Only fifteen," said Rupert, turning to go.
"Well, maybe I can't name sixteen kinds of tuna casserole," said Edna. "But I do know a great joke about a kangaroo from Kalamazoo."
Rupert stopped in his tracks.
"My Love!" he said. He gave her a kiss. "Will you marry me?"
I'm still surprised every time I read a new Cinderella story. I also love them more and more each time. The silly twist, and the meaningful messages people add to the classic fairy tale is just splendid. This version, Cinder Edna is especially funny and cleaver. The story is about two girls, Cinderella and her neighbor Cinder Edna. They both have horrid stepmother, and stepsister that make them work all day. However at night Cinderella sits by the fire, and Cinder Edna learns new jokes, and casserole recipes, and cleans bird cages for a little money on the side. A Royal ball is announced and both Cinder Ella and Edna get there sisters ready, and when Cinder Ella is finished she sits by the fire and cries. Cinder Edna had used her money saved up for a dress, so she put it on along with her loafers and was ready to dance. Cinder Ella's Godmother luckily was passing by and transformed her into a beautiful gown, and gave her glass slippers. But then she cried how will I get there, fairy Godmother, disappointed that her Goddaughter could not even figure a way to the ball, she transformed a pumpkin and mice into a horse and carriage. Cinder Edna took the bus. They both arrived and everyone though Cinder Ella was a princess, and the prince asked her to dance. Cinder Edna arrived and as his royal obligation, the prince went to greet Cinder Edna, she found him extremely boring. Just then his brother swoops in and says we recycle here. The Prince tells Cinder Edna to just ignore him, however she hands him her cup and they begin to dance. They find out that they have everything in common, and both know the best jokes. The Clock strikes 12, and they both escape to there rides in time. The Princes run after then but end up running into each other on the steps. The Prince distraught for he has lost his only love. His brother replies " Well, didn't you get her name?" asked Rupert impatiently. "The one I love is named Edna." They both end up finding there Cinders, the Prince by trying to fit feet into the glass slipper he found, and his brother by going to the house where Edna's live. They both marry, and you can "guess who lived happily ever after."
Recommended to: Anyone who has read Cinderella. Its hilarious and you realize how silly Cinderella might have been.
Problems: None
My Reaction: I love this book, in case you couldn't already tell. The Illustrations are so unique, and awesome. The last page has Edna and Rupert laughing at a silliest joke book ever, and they have a cat crawling on top of them, Rupert's glasses are about to fly off. And they just look so happy. Loved, loved, loved this book.
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