Ben's Trumpet
Written & Illustrated by: Rachel Isadora
Copyright: 1979
Pages: 40
Reading Level: 4-8
"But most of all Ben thinks the trumpeter is the cat's meow."
Ben's Trumpet is a simple story with a powerful effect, because of the illustrations. Rachel Isadora's story is completely in black and white. But the details are amazing. I'm not sure what style it is, but I believe its a scratch or dot drawings sometimes.
I think she uses several styles in her illustrations.
The story is of a young boy who plays his trumpet every night outside the Zig Zag Jazz Club. He loves this club and visits everyday after school. He admirers all the members of the band but especially the trumpeter. Ben plays for his whole family, and one day he was sitting on the steps playing away and the trumpeter says to him " I like your horn." Ben smiles as he walks away. One night he is "blasting away at his trumpet" and some kids see him and ask him what he is doing. After he tells them they laugh and say "Man, you're crazy! You got no trumpet!" Ben puts his hands back into his pockets and walks slowly home. That night during their break the band comes walking out of the club, the trumpeter see's Ben and asks where his trumpet has gone. "I don't have one," Ben says. So he brings Ben back to the club so he can try his out.
Recommended to: Older children, I don't think young children would be able to appreciate the illustrations.
Problems: The book shows his baby brother nude.
My Reaction: This is an awesome book. Not only do you want to go to the Zig Zag Jazz Club after, but you want to take a stab at your very own invisible trumpet. And if I haven't said it enough, the illustrations are amazing. Cover is my favorite because it shows Ben and in his shadow it shows the trumpeter.
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