Where Is the Green Sheep?
By: Mem Fox & Judy Horacek
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 32
Reading level: 4-8
This is an easy read that teaches opposites, and colors, and lots of different things. I really liked it, even though the illustrations are very simple and all the sheep are repetitive looking, I think that makes it easier for young children to establish the differences between the sheep. There are thin and wide sheep, up and down sheep, and scared and brave sheep. Then there is a rain sheep, who is the sheep version of Gene Kelly in singing in the rain. (This is my favorite page). There is also slide sheep, clown sheep, and car and train sheep. And through out the whole book every third page or so it asks "Where is that green sheep?" And in the very end it tells you to "Turn the page quietly- let's take a peep..." and you turn the page and there is the green sheep sleeping behind a green bush.
Recommended to: Children learning opposites. Good book to read and discuss with children.
Problems: This is pretty basic, so no problems I saw.
My Reaction: This is a fun way to teach opposites, I will definitely use it with my children. It would also be funny for a child seeing a sheep, do things they do. Like slide, swing, and even sleep.
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