Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by: J.K. Rowling
Illustrations by Cliff Wright and Mary GrandPre
Copyright: 1999
Pages: 341
Reading Level: 8-12
"Er-I don't want to be rude or anything, but - this isn't a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom." - Harry
We meet Harry and his friends again, headed back to school for the second time. only this time Dobby the house elf, who pays Harry a visit during the summer is doing everything he can to stop Harry from going back to Hogwarts. He blocks the gate to the train station, hits Harry in the head with a ball during Quidditch, and visits him multiple times to stop him. However, a determined Harry chooses to ignore these warnings, flying to school with Ron in a flying car, playing Quidditch even with the risks, and brushing Dobby off constantly.
However, upon arriving at school, messages begin appearing on the walls of the castle, threatening that the Chamber of secrets has re-opened and is out to kill all non-magical students or "mudbloods". Harry soon gains posession of a diary by former studnet Tom riddle with whom he communicates. He tells him about the opening of the chamber years before and that the culprit was Harry's friend Hagrid. Students start to get attacked, petrified, by what turns out to be a huge snake, a basilisk. They discover that the snake is traveling through the school's pipes. They trace the snake back to the girls bathroom, moaning myrtle figures out how to help them open the chaber of secrets. Once inside they discover that the diary in fact belonged to Voldemort who's real name is Tom Marvalo Riddle. He then tells Harry the story about how he had bewitched Ginny, Ron's little sister into writing the notes on the walls and scaring everyone, and reveals that he is holding her hostage in the chamber, and plans to kill in order to restore himself. They duel once again and Harry uses the basilisk tooth to destroy the diary, once again defeating Voldemort against all odds.
Recommended to: Preteen children, once again the writing is pretty graphic and dark.
Problems: The obvious suggestion of witchcraft, murder, possession and general violence.
Reaction: Once again Rowling delivered beyond my expectations. The story was interesting, kept me on my toes and surprised me in the end. She brought forward minor characters and brought new life to them while expanding on current character. The story was very original and well thought out.
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