Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone by: J.K. Rowling
Illustrations by Thomas Taylor and Mary GrandPre
Copyright: 1998
Reading Level 8-12
"To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. - Dumbledore.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone tells the story of Harry Potter and his life. Living with his uncle and aunt he soon discovers he is in fact a wizard. His parents were not killed in a car accident as he supposed but rather by the evil wizard Voldemort. Harry Potter, leaves his mean Aunt and Uncle behind and goes to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Much of the story involves Harry's discovery of the magic world in which they deliver mail with owls, have talking pictures, carry wands around in their pockets and learn spells and potions instead of Math and English. During his time at Hogwarts he meets his best friends Ron, Hermione, Neville, etc. but he also makes many enemies such as Professor Snape who seems to have it in for him and Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle who hate Harry and his friends on Principle. Harry also has the opportunity to learn a lot about his parents,about the people that knew them and where they came from. For example, he discovers the Mirror of Erised in which he sees himself standing with his parents, he gets to see them for the first time. Despite the 360 turnaround of Harry's previously very sad life, Harry soon discovers that although Voldemort is rumored to be dead, this may not actually be true. His Defense against the Dark Arts Teacher Professor Quirrel starts acting very strangely, Harry and his friends do some investigating and discover that Quirrel is in fact working for Voldemort. Quirrel is attempting to steal the sorcerer's stone which has an elixer in it that will make you immortal. Quirrel is attempting to steal it from the headmaster, Dumbledore to restore Voldemort to his former terrible glory. Harry, Ron and Hermione at the climax of this story run desperately to try to stop Quirrel. When they reach him just in time they discover that Voldemort is in fact sharing Quirrel's body with him. Harry and Quirrel duel, and when it eventually comes to blows Quirrel can't touch him. Harry is protected by the love of his mother who died for him when he was a baby. Because of this Harry is able to defeat Quirrel, snatch the sorcerer's stone out from under him, and Voldemort disappears once again never to return.
Recommended to: all pre-teens, the reading is a little advanced and the story a little complex.
problems: once again this story deals with witchcraft and wizardry, something some people might find offensive. The writing is also fairly graphic, definitely not suitable for younger children.
My reaction: I absolutely loved this book. I thought it was inventive and interesting. The characters were well-developed and the story was captivating. I couldn't put it down. I was very impressed by Rowling's ability to not only tell a story but to make me care about the characters, they're feelings and what would happen to them.
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