Kathy Ross Crafts: Letter Sounds
By: Kathy Ross
Illustrated by: Jan Barger
Copyright: 2002
Pages: 64
Reading Level: 4-8
When I first picked up this book I didn't read the front well enough, apparently. I thought it was going to just learning letter sounds. However this is a book filled with creative craft ideas for young children. And each craft goes along with a letter, and that is how it teaches the letter sounds. This is such a fun idea, combining letters and crafts. There are many letters in the alphabet so there are for sure some creative projects in this book. One that I just laughed and loved was Ii is for...Icy Ice Skates. Its a project where you create ice skates for your favorite doll by freezing them in a small container of water. Then (with parent permission) you can glide the doll over a waterproof floor, and then will slip and slide all over the place. The really cool thing about this craft book is it used everyday objects, that you will most likely already have around the house. Each project is so different teaching different medians of art as well.
Recommended to: Mothers, what a fun source of creative ideas for those rainy days. Crafts can often get messy but isn't it worth it if they are learning while making it.
Problems: All the children in this book are white, but that is only someone looking for a problem. I'm pretty sure no one else would have even noticed.
My Reaction: I was surprised by how cleaver all of these were. They were also very age appropriate, and most of the time taught a word or animal along with each letter. This is definitely a book I'll be getting for my children.
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