The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery
By: Graeme Base
Copyright: 1988
Pages: 32
Reading Level: 4-8
This was my first time reading this book, and boy, what a picture book. This book teaches on so many levels. The story is about an elephant who decides to have a party to celebrate his 11th Birthday. Horace, the elephant makes a wonderful feast for everyone but decided he only wants to eat it at a special time. So he carefully plans games until then. The book seems like a simple enough story till you get to the end, and find the feast is gone. And you have a mystery to solve. The very neat thing about this story is, it doesn't come right out and tell you who stole the feast only that you need to carefully examine the story again and find the clues.
Graeme Base now gives us a break, and includes some on the answers in the back, in a top secret section. Since the story doesn't give away the ending of who eat it, I wont either. In the end all is well anyways as Horace saved the cake in the kitchen, and everyone was able to have a piece. This is a book that could be read again, and again and still find new and interesting parts.
Recommended to: Children and parents, this would be a fun family activity. As many eyes are better than one. I would also say no earlier than kindergarten, as the pages are quiet busy and could be frustrating for a young child.
Problems: The biggest problem I see with this book, is it could discourage a reader if he or she isn't able to figure out the mystery. Also a whole book about stealing might not pass along the right message.
My Reaction: This wasn't my favorite picture book, though I did love the illustrations I just felt it was a little too cluttered. However that's just my personal opinion, also I'm not a fan of mysteries.
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