Beauty: A retelling of the story of Beauty & the Beast
By: Robin McKinley
Reading Level: 9-12
The retelling of Beauty and the Beast, is surprisingly different. The Beast is still under an enchantment, and is still a Prince after all. But everything else is fairly different from the Disney Movie I watched oh so many times. This story gives quite a bit of background for Beauty. So it is quiet properly named. Starting with her childhood, where she describes how she just grew as her sister grew beautiful. She began to hate her name, and took on the role as the ugly sister. She focused much of her time, learning and reading. As the story continues her father loses, or so he thinks, all his ships in a storm. And is forced to retire to the country. The whole family goes, along with Ger who is now Hope's husband. They move to a small town Ger grew up in, and Ger becomes to towns blacksmith. One day they received news that another ship has returned, so the father returns to the city and deals with things there. On his return trip he get trapped in a snow storm and stumbles on to a castle. He picks a rose, the Beast becomes very angry, and makes him promise to either bring back one of his daughter or come back himself in a months time.
At this point he returns home, where Beauty feels like this is her adventure in life. With much opposition, she does end up returning to the castle where she is treated like a Princess. Slowly her and the Beast become very close friends, however despite this. Every night he would ask "Will you marry me, Beauty?" and every night she would reply "No." It takes Beauty a one week trip back home, to realize her love for the Beast. She returns back to the castle, with great trouble I might add. Professes her love to the Beast, and he changes into the handsome man she saw in the painting. And they, along with her family live happily ever after.
Recommended to: Girls who don't think they are beautiful, or don't feel like they much fit in. Or anyone looking for a great love story.
Problems: If a person is against magic or witchcraft, they probably wouldn't enjoy this book. However this book doesn't have any violence, or bad language. I think its a family friendly book.
My Reaction: I loved it, I have always loved the classic Disney movie, but I might like this even better. The detail where you get to know Beauty is excellent, and helps you relate later on when she is living in the Castle. Also I love how big of a part her horse plays in the story. He added a strong steady character, and I think makes Beauty stronger in return. As a girl who hasn't always felt the most beautiful either, it was fun to read and see how without mirrors she just blooms into her full potential.